English Translation
The English translation for "完美投篮">





1. What is the English translation for "完美投篮"?

English Translation


The English translation for "完美投篮" is "perfect shot."

2. What is the equivalent English term for describing a flawless basketball shot?

Equivalent English Term

The equivalent English term for describing a flawless basketball shot is "perfect shooting."

3. How do you say "他的完美投篮得分了" in English?

English Translation of Sentence

The English translation of "他的完美投篮得分了" is "His perfect shot scored."

4. Can "完美投篮" be translated as "ideal shooting" in English?

Translation Comparison

While "ideal shooting" does convey the idea of a perfect shot, "完美投篮" is more commonly translated as "perfect shot" in English.

5. What is the proper way to describe a skillful and flawless basketball shot in English?

Proper Description in English

In English, a skillful and flawless basketball shot can be described as "flawless shooting" or "expert shooting."